Welcome to the 82045 Locomotive Fund website. Practical Steam for the 21st Century.

News Update - July 2024

Engineering notes

By Tony Massau

Riveting of the firebox/barrel joint has taken place as has fitting of the foot stays. The water tank steading brackets have been fitted to the boiler barrel. Most of the cladding of the firebox backhead has been trial fitted although obviously, it will have to be removed again until the boiler has passed its various tests.

Machining of the valve spindle crossheads has continued. The Boro' Foundry are making good progress with machining the coupling rods.

Enquiries for the manufacture of the expansion links have yielded encouraging results.

Progress is being made with the manufacture of the side windows for the cab and the fitting of the top slide runners.


The boiler with the tank steading brackets bolted on prior to riveting.


The valve spindle crossheads on the milling machine. Photos: Tony Massau.